Event planning and Influencer strategy

COP26 was the most influential event in 2021 in the sustainability space, so when our clients Ivy Farm secured a space for a panel discussion on the benefits of cultivated meat, we knew we had to help them make the most of it. We wanted to focus on an education piece during the event, ensuring that people left knowing that cultivated meat could in fact change the planet, a message that we wanted to reach far and wide. To achieve this, we needed to create an event that held gravatas in 3 key sectors; environmental change, the food industry and animal welfare.







Services provided



Education is key

When dealing with a relatively unknown product, the first task is to educate the consumer on why they want this product in their lives. For Ivy Farm, COP26 was a huge opportunity for this so we needed to make sure they were speaking to the right audience. Working on an outreach and influencer strategy, we aligned Ivy Farm with The Humane Society who fully supported the positive impact they would have on animal farming, and supported them on finding the right influencer to showcase the product and on how best to work with Earthtopia, who were speaking to the environmentalist audience.


From unsustainable to sustainable

Having four panel members that all had a different goal but that would all be supported by the Ivy Farm product, really showcased how necessary cultivated meat is to our world. Ivy Farm is an Oxford University spin out that is working on lab grown meat to change the way we produce the product. The result for our planet will be huge, taking up significantly less land, using less water, irradicating animal slaughter and still allowing us to eat the meat we know and love. Whether in the animal welfare, environmental activism or good food space, Ivy Farm ticks all the boxes, and could make a currently unsustainable situation, sustainable.


Working on the strategy, the implementation and the messaging for COP26, really allowed us to elevate the reach and impact Ivy Farm’s event had on their first steps to educating the world about cultivated meat. Assembling a panel with an audience of over 2 million followers, all focusing on the same message, allowed us to start the reach that Ivy Farm will need to grow their product to the next level



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